Stanley Homepage

Books, Book Chapters


Stanley, J and G. Preetha. 2016. Pesticide Toxicity to Non-Target Organisms: Exposure, Toxicity and Risk Assessment Methodologies, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., The Netherlands, 502p.

Bhatt, J.C., J. Stanley and S.K. Jain. 2014. Diseases and Insect Pests of Major Hill Crops and their Management. VPKAS, Almora, 158p.

J. Stanley. 2015. Animal and Bird Pest Management in Agricultural Lands. Astral International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 198p.


Book Chapters

N.K. Hedau and J. Stanley. 2012. Seed production in tomato, bhendi, garden pea, cauliflower and onion. In: Seed production techniques. In: for Northweastern Himalayan states (N.K. Hedau and J.C. Bhatt ed.), HMNEH, VPKAS

Ramkewal, J. Stanley, Md. Idris, Deokaran, Nitu Singh and J.P. Gupta. 2012. ICT for effective integrated pest management under changed climate. In: ICT for Agricultural Development in Changing Climate (K.M. Singh and M.S. Meena ed.). ISBN: 978-93-80428-45-1. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi. Pp: 333-344.

Agrawal, P.K., J.P. Aditya, J. Stanley, R.K. Sharma, P. Kumar and J.C. Bhatt. 2011. Collection, conservation, evaluation and utilization of rice genetic resources at the Vivekanand Parvaity Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan for the North West Hill Region. Chapter 8. In: Genetic Resources of Rice in India. (S.D. Sharma ed.). Today & Tomorrow Printers and Publishers, New Delhi. pp 279-321.  

Preetha, G., T. Manoharan and J. Stanley. 2010. Pest diversionary approaches for the management of sucking pests in cotton. Non chemical Insect Pest Management. (S. Ignacimuthu and B.V. David eds.) ISBN: 81-88901-41-5. Elite Publishing House Pvt Ltd., New Delhi. pp 224-234.

Sheeba Jasmine, R., S. Kuttalam, P. Sivasubramaniam and J. Stanley. 2009. Effect of Abamectin 1.9 EC – Microbial Insecticide to Coccinellids of Cotton Ecosystem. Ecofriendly Insect PestManagement. (S. Ignacimuthu and B.V. David eds.) ISBN: 81-88901-37-7. Elite Publishing House Pvt Ltd., New Delhi. pp 74-80.


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