Projects Handling

Externally Funded
1. Efficacy of phosphine fumigant against storage pests of pulses, rice, wheat and coffee beans (from 2017) as centre PI
2. Habitat management for non-Apis pollinator conservation (from 2016), SERB Young Scientist Project as PI.
3. Genetic transformation and development of elite transgenic maize (Zea mays L.) for biotic and abiotic stresses tolerance (from 2015) NASF as Co-PI.
4. Network project on Organic farming as Co-PI.
5. National mission for sustaining the Himalayan ecosystems (NMSHE) Taskforce 6 (Agriculture) for lower and middle Himalaya (from 2015) as Co-PI.
6. All India Network Project on Whitegrubs and other soil arthropods (from 2015) as centre PI.
Inhouse Projects
1. Integrated management of chewing pests in major hill crops (from 2012) as PI.
2. Development of cost effective management strategies for major diseases and insect pests under protected cultivation (from 2012) as Co-PI.
3. Genetic improvement of rice, pulses, oilseeds and vegetables for higher productivity, quality, biotic and abiotic stresses as Co-PI
Projects Completed 
1. Development of eco-friendly technologies for the management of whitegrubs (2008-2012).2. Planned honey bee pollination for improvement in Horticultural crop production (2008-2012)
3. Genetic enhancement in productivity and proximate quality in rice, pulses and oil seeds (2008-2012) as Co-PI
4. Conservation and management of pollinators for sustainable agriculture through ecosystem (2010-2013) as centre PI
5. Large scale demonstration of Integrated Pest Management technology in Uttarakhand (2010-2012) as Co-PI
6. Deployment of entomopathogens and light traps for the management of Scarabaeids in Uttarakhand hills (from 2009-2013) as PI.